Thursday 24 September 2015

The Woman in Black - Mise-en-scène

    What is Mise-en-scene?
    Mise-en-scene is everything within the frame - setting, lighting, costume, framing and composition, colours, expression, make up.

    Creation of the mise-en-scene can influence the way the audience reads the scene/its interpretation of characters or situation.

    Semiology - The study of signs/symbols - helps create depth to the scene.
  • Limited colour - mostly greys - reflects the sadness in the film
  • Isolating themselves

  • Passes grave marker - dramatic irony

  • Kipps hasn't shaved - shows he isn't looking after himself
  • Gravestones connotations of death
  • Overgrown trees - no one else around
  • Dressed in black

  • Camera looking up at the house to make it look bigger and more threatening

  • Camera pointing down on him through window - suggesting someone is watching him

  • Dusty rooms - dead animals hanging up
  • He's framed in a doorway and behind that you can see the woman in the back

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